Monday, October 19, 2020

HTTP/gRPC server streaming available in Google Cloud Run

The Google Cloud blog just announced that Cloud Run is getting server-side HTTP streaming for serverless applications. From now on, it'll be possible to serve larger responses or stream partial responses during a single request, enabling quicker server response times for your applications.

According to the announcement you'll be able to:

  • send responses larger than the previous 32 MB limit.
  • run gRPC services with server-streaming RPCs and send partial responses in a single request—in addition to existing support for unary (non-streaming) RPCs.
  • respond with server-sent events (SSE), which you can consume from your frontend using the HTML5 EventSource API.

Testing it out

For more information, check this sample gRPC server application that you can deploy to your Google Cloud account and run a client to stream responses from the Cloud Run-based serverless application.


For more information, check the official announcement on Google Cloud.

 See Also

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